Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Placebo Effect: Interesting Facts

Placebo - this medicine dummy, which is offered under the guise of this. The placebo effect is that despite its uselessness, a similar preparation still operates.
Probably each of us at least once in a lifetime burned, touching a hot frying pan or the Strait of boiling water. But what if you can get the same impact without the burn of hot object or liquid? For example, cool water? You think it's impossible?
Once the researchers conducted an experiment in which the subjects were immersed in a hypnotic trance, and then applied to the skin of ordinary coin, suggesting that it is a red-hot metal. "You feel like your arm is applied a hot iron. It burns the skin, you really hurt! You feel like your skin is burned, "- he repeated the hypnotist.
Removing the coin, soaked in water at room temperature, the experimenters found irritated red spot, which after some time has got all the symptoms of burns. This is there a reasonable explanation: the person being influenced by words and his body responds to an order that takes consciousness.

This is how the placebo effect works.

History of discovery
The placebo effect was discovered during the Second World War, American anesthesiologist Henry Beecher. Deficiency of painkillers and a huge number of wounded forced to use it instead of morphine injection of saline. To his surprise, a useless drug acted as effective as the present analgesic.
After the war, research in this area continued. Numerous tests have confirmed the observations anesthesiologist: after receiving the "dummy" under the guise of medicines for patients in most cases comes relief. Thus, it is the expectations of human and suggestion on the part of helping to achieve results.
Today we know that the placebo effect is observed during operations. 30 people suffering from the disease of the inner ear, had to operate. Currently, 15 people suffered surgery and another 15 have made the pseudo-operation. As a result, in each of these groups of 10 people get rid of the disease.
At first glance it may seem that the placebo effect is a purely psychological. But it is not. Placebo - is not only self-hypnosis and faith in a favorable outcome, it is also the launch of the physiological reactions in the body.
To see how the body responds to the suggestion, researchers from the University of Michigan entered the test volunteers jaw brine to cause them pain. After this test was given a dummy pill and told it was a pain reliever. The photographs, scientists have discovered that a brain region responsible for the allocation of "happiness hormone" endorphin became active after receiving analgesic dummy. The subjects claimed that the medication helped, and the feeling of pain receded.