Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Peach limiting the loss of bone density

Peach limiting the loss of bone density

Peach reduces the risk of obesity because of soluble fiber, which gives a feeling of satiety is also known for his role in the treatment of constipation.
WASHINGTON - Researchers found that a substance containing boron Peach helps the body absorb calcium to maintain bone strength and protection of laminating. A recent US study, have shown that taking 10 to 12 tablets of peach every day to prevent osteoporosis resulting from the decline in the amount of estrogen process.
It is known for peach primary role in the treatment of constipation, because it contains laxative and laxative of the stomach and purify the digestive system components. Peach contains a high amount of fiber and 85 percent of its weight of water, 5 grams sugar, starches and grams, and a half milligram of iron and half a gram protein and fats, as well as phosphorus, sulfur and high in vitamins.
Peach contains components provide protection from cancer and other chronic diseases such as heart disease being contains antioxidants, and helps to ensure the protection of type II diabetes being contains a high proportion of soluble fiber in the water allow adjust blood sugar levels. As the soluble fiber delay the process of absorption of sugar in the body down to the blood. Peach and helps to reduce the risk of obesity because of soluble fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness after every meal which avoids overeating.
Ladies and doctors recommend eating peach regularly, especially after menopause, because it strengthens the bones that are about, and works to moisturize the skin, and strengthen the heart muscles and stimulate blood circulation.
Experience has also shown efficacy in the treatment of peach whooping cough, asthma, kidney and crises, and gravel, and bladder infections, and the removal of bladder stones, blood and urine.
Peach is a good source of vitamin C, which makes an important role in increasing the body's ability to absorb iron. The high amount of vitamin C in peaches helps to strengthen the immune system and help the body to produce collagen for tissue health.
There are various benefits and peach juice for children, which he counseled them to sweet taste and contains vitamins and minerals essential for growth.