Thursday, 2 July 2015

Diet for Office Workers

Lose weight, sitting all day behind the office table, challenging a mental activity and the movement of the computer mouse did not compensate for the calories consumed per day.
To reduce them below the norm cannot be, because the nutrients the body needs, or after work forces will be only to get home and lie down, while the body needs activity.
Therefore, most importantly, what you need to take care in this case, it's not about the number of calories, and about their quality.
Nutritional Advice
Limit Starch
Carbohydrates - a mandatory component of a healthy diet, but is set to the source of these carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates from bread, pasta, flour yield rapid rise of glucose, which ultimately leads to weight gain, especially in the case of a sedentary lifestyle. A source of carbohydrates in this case - is a vegetable.
Plan Ahead
You never really know how busy the day will be and whether or not you have time for a full meal. If you take a habit to think of a dinner in the evening and take in the lunchbox, you will not be tempted to seize something in the nearest fast food. If you are trying to lose weight, diet is very important.
Skipping dinner, you not are contributing to weight loss: the body receives a signal of a stressful situation, the metabolism slows down, and when you finally get in the evening before dinner, you eat too much of it is absorbed and too little.
If you prefer to dine in the cafe, and try to think of your campaign in advance: it is better to walk away, but dinner quality and healthy food, than take the time to eat a hot dog near the office. Besides the walk, too, will benefit if you are aiming to lose weight.
Find more cafes in the neighborhood will help the internet, on sites you can even pre-acquainted with the menu and the prices of each.

Do Not Skip Breakfast
For office workers is especially important good breakfast. Energize in the morning, you will be able to work calmly and not start to think about food in a couple of hours after the start of the working day.
Avoid Temptations
When working permanently in the public domain cookies or candy, and colleagues and then treated to something, it is difficult to lose weight.
Another temptation - the food and drinks from the vending machines. Run to the store do not always have the time and inclination, the machine is installed directly in the hallway, making a purchase is not the most useful food simple and often even in some sense unconscious. As a result, you do not even notice how much extra eat per day.
First of all, just start to control the process, let your hand is no longer attracted to crackers unconsciously. If you do not snacking hard cook them yourself in advance so as not to be tempted by those that you see around. These may be whole-grain bread, dried fruit, chopped fresh fruit or vegetables.