Friday, 10 July 2015

The Diet in Menopause

The Diet in Menopause

Menopause brings women a lot of unpleasant moments. And one of the most visible problems - the problem with the weight. Hormonal changes, rebuilt, providing racing weight, and often it just uncontrolled growth.
General recommendations for weight loss is not for everyone. For weight loss to be effective and not harmful to health, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

The main thing - peace of mind
The body in this period provides itself adipose tissue in any case: in fact all the time changes so fast, it is unclear what will happen tomorrow.
Because the most important thing - to give him a signal that the staffing situation, such measures are not necessary. The best thing you can do - cope with stress and mood swings. Suit sedatives, as well as specialized products for menopausal women, which is to ask your doctor.
Many women start to panic by increasing the weight to sit on different diets, starving, strongly exhaust yourself physically demanding. The way this is absolutely wrong. Since the body gets the signal to greater instability and reacts in the end it is not so, as we would like.

Eat right
Changes occurring in the body dictate specific recommendations on diet.
More high-quality fats. Refusing fat as recommended by many diet for women during menopause period in any case not worth it. These substances are required by the body, but it is important to choose their source. Ideal fatty fish, but Tran’s fats from fries and burgers, of course, will not do any good.
Limit your grains. We've learned that cereals, especially crude, very helpful for weight loss. It really is a product rich in fiber, various nutrients. But it is also a source of carbohydrates which usually easily processed, but the organism menopausal reacts differently. So if you are worried about excess weight, try to limit any cereals and bread, even the most useful, eat them for breakfast only.
Help the thyroid gland. Thyroid during menopause often becomes less active that, in particular, also leads to weight gain. To assist its work, including in the diet as much as possible of foods rich in iodine. This, above all, seafood, where there is a huge variety.