carrots reduces the incidence of prostate cancer, colon and prevent high blood
pressure and reduces tooth decay.
Dr. Ahmed Awad Physiotherapist, the islands will help in the process of
improving the functions of the body, due to its high nutritional value. He
pointed out that the islands contains a large proportion of fiber and minerals,
potassium, calcium, magnesium, and some minerals, in addition to its richness
in vitamin A, which works to enhance the strength of vision. Awad asserts that
the islands reduces the formation of gallstones opportunities and prevents high
blood pressure, controls blood sugar levels, is also working to reduce the
appearance of wrinkles because of contained antioxidants, vitamin
"C", which produces collagen.
In a
related context d say. Mohamed Helmi consultant obesity and thinness diseases,
the islands reduces the incidence of prostate cancer, colon and lung, because
it contains a substance antioxidant carotenoids.
points out that carrots contain vitamin "C" reduces tooth decay and
strengthens the gums and cleans, in addition to the richness textured
"beta-carotene," which works to protect the human eye from glaucoma
explains that eating carrots regularly finds the body of toxins and cleanse the
liver and colon of the body accumulated droppings inside to the presence of
vitamin "A", also helps to reduce exposure to heart disease by
regulating cholesterol in the blood, and that as it contains materials and
lutein antioxidant which fights infection strokes disease.
health care site revealed that the islands, as rich compounds beta-carotene
reduces the risk of coronary artery disease by 32 percent.
shown advisory nutrition and physical therapy, that eating a cup Islands juice
a day contributes to eliminate the problem of the treatment of acne, asserting
that the islands helps keep young skin and freshness, because the vitamin
"C" helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and enjoy a net-free
skin of defects.