Sunday, 25 May 2014

Blue Light Affect Your Sleep

Blue Light Affect Your Sleep

There are many health benefits to be obtained with a good night's sleep . Many studies have shown that sleep 6-8 hours each night can help reduce stress , reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, improve memory and cognitive functions , and help with weight loss . People often below the countless benefits of adequate sleep for a healthy lifestyle . The negative effects of sleep deprivation can be as serious as heart disease and diabetes, depression, learning and memory , and irritability.
Why is it so difficult to sleep at night ?
So what could be affecting your ability to sleep for the recommended 6-8 hours every night ? Experts have concluded that technology has emerged as a major reason for sleep disorders . Many people watch TV and use their computers , tablets and smart phones even before they retire to bed. These devices emit a specific wavelength of light that disrupts the internal biological clock .

Exposure to light at night suppresses melatonin production . This key hormone responsible for controlling sleep cycles . Suppression of melatonin at night is associated with an inability to sleep . This , unfortunately, is not the only problem. Research shows that melatonin levels decrease obesity can lead to increased risk of cancer , impaired immune function , increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease . Serious consequences such as these, melatonin depression prevention should be a top priority of us.